

智能交通解决方案正在推动我们走向未来. Move your passengers further to connected experiences with 彩虹 and Location-Based 服务.

不管你是在处理飞机, 火车, 汽车或船舶, 你知道你的系统有多“聪明”吗, 也许你可以让它更聪明?


世界各地, an increasing number of innovative connected devices and internet of things (物联网) devices are being used in the transportation industry. 这些设备都对客户体验产生了实质性的积极影响. These intelligent transportation devices allow businesses and customers to remain connected, 不管他们在哪里.

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然而, making the transportation environment more intelligent is about more than a customer’s experience with end devices. The precise integration into existing operations and api can actively reduce the number of accidents in the transportation environment and keep people safe as they explore the world.

When combined – 物联网, machines and processes – create a more effective business workflow.


在海港环境中, 装卸货物的广泛过程, 清理海关, and transferring products to other modes of transportation requires constant collaboration. 随着海港企业进入数字化转型时代, 公司需要找到一种方法来连接更多的流程.

Communication Platform as a Service (CPaaS) platforms allow seaports to embed collaboration solutions into their business applications using API technology. 这保证了海港员工, stakeholders and operators can collaborate and connect via real-time communication to transform project outcomes. 与 CPaaS, 海港可以让团队实时了解某些货物的状态, 以及改变调度时间. 公司也将能够支持流动员工, 将他们的工具与客户关系管理(CRM)应用程序集成, 并在端到端的基础上实施更好的客户服务策略.


在航空运输业(ATI)部门, 这是乘客的旅程, 而不是货物的管理, 这对企业来说是最重要的. The journey includes everything from the moment the customer starts to travel to the airport, 他们对安全及其他方面的经验.

数字化转型之旅 航空运输 industry is focused on moving passengers from “disconnected to connected” experiences. CPaaS integration allows for real-time collaboration and communication in business applications.

与CPaaS, t在这里’s even the option to provide better interactions and experiences for people with reduced mobility by providing them with chatbots for service automation. 与基于位置的服务一起使用时, ATI offerings can also help passengers find their way to kiosks and boarding areas within an airport without asking a 工作人员 member for help.


在今天的数字世界里,我们总是Contact在一起. 乘客还希望在旅途中可以选择保持连接. 正因为如此,很多交通公司在公交车和 铁路环境 开始为他们的用户实现Wi-Fi和其他工具.

1 .未来智能交通

Access to connectivity is just one of the ways that rail companies can transform the passenger experience in the modern world. 同时, CPaaS means that business leaders can implement real-time communication functions like voice and messaging into applications that support customers. Rail companies can offer apps that allow passengers to get real-time information about the status of a train or ensure that passengers can quickly get information about tickets. This is accomplished by improving passenger service through a virtual counter to provide on-line support at the ticket buying process when the standard counters are crowded. The passenger can access the 工作人员 via multimedia communication services in a multi-language option through a chatbot service.

Passengers that have issues regarding reduced mobility could use the API-enhanced applications in a business environment to access special assistants from within the application directly. 同时, these customers can be advised of special access routes that might make a journey even easier.


Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) has had a significant impact on the 智能交通 environment.

ALE的解决方案 智能交通 基于其CPaaS产品阿尔卡特朗讯彩虹. 彩虹CPaaS delivers a host of creative communication and collaboration techniques for your organization, 优化业务流程,改善客户体验.

彩虹组合工艺, 工作人员, 以及提供过程自动化的机器, 主动决策等. The 物联网 adoption and CPaaS integration via 彩虹 can significantly improve operational efficiency in the transportation sector. 呼叫中心座席使用设备, 比如智能助手, 这使他们能够与客户进行上下文对话. 在后台工作的时候, artificial intelligence (AI) drives better business decisions with in-depth analytics.

阿尔卡特-朗讯的 OmniAccess Stellar LBS  provides indoor location solutions, geolocations, and wayfinding based on Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise 无线网络基础设施. 服务的组合允许利益相关者之间更好地协作.

在航空运输业, 彩虹CPaaS can help simplify operations by combining many of the diverse technologies that are essential for safe and efficient flights. 彩虹 can even offer airline companies the option to communicate with passengers and deliver contextual and personalized information about their journey. 彩虹 can work alongside airline mobile apps or kiosks to provide real-assistance through video and voice calls too.

作为一个关系引擎, 彩虹支持业务流程之间的无缝通信, 组织, 和物联网设备, 改善日常飞行管理操作. 通过不断连接的通信, 机组人员可以共享实时信息, 改进日程安排等等.

即使是在铁路运输火狐体育手机, 通过彩虹的CPaaS可以改善决策过程, 优化维护程序, 提高进度表现. Ensuring coordination and better collaboration between all the stakeholders and processes in a transportation environment means that every transportation environment runs more smoothly.

An efficient operation is the backbone of a transportation operators’ daily schedule. Optimizing operations and collaboration between different stakeholders is vital as maintenance operations are mission-critical. 停机服务是一个主要的中断, so assisted remote maintenance through smart glasses with 彩虹CPaaS integration offers the capability to reduce downtime operations. 它还改善了该领域专家和技术人员之间的协作, 以及提供一个安全的, 通过多媒体通信辅助和远程任务指导.

ALE有一个解决方案,将使您的交通部门更智能, 不管你是在处理飞机, 火车, 汽车或船舶. 欲了解更多信息,请立即Contact您的ALE代表.




作为运输解决方案经理, 能源及公用事业, 恩里克负责制定解决方案, 这些不同领域的价值主张和内容, 支持全球ALE销售团队. 拥有超过15年的电信火狐体育手机经验, 专注于企业市场, Enrique是ALE国际中心售前团队的一员, 为全球销售和售前团队提供广泛的支持. His expertise includes end-to-end solutions, network VoIP design, UCC and UCaaS solutions.





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